Aahs World Radio

Aahs World Radio

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Please remember that this page is still under construction. So please, bookmark this page, and visit often to see all the latest updates! This page was last updated on: Wednesday, March 14, 2001.

About Aahs: Aahs set out in 1990 to broadcast educational and entertaining radio programming for children, from cool music to awesome stories to great contests. It succeeded, becoming one of the fastest-growing networks in radio history, reaching up to 40% of America's radios. From the start, Aahs was considered a dubious mission. Why would children listen to the radio when they had television? Or movies? Or video games? But listen they did!

Christopher T. Dahl, President CEO, Founder, and chairman of the Board at Children's Broadcasting Corporation is truly the force behing Aahs. During the last few minutes of Aahs, he shared this with us:
"I've had to do lots of difficult things in my life, but none of them compare to the undertaking of the challenge of having to summarize my thoughts and feelings and those of over 100 dedicated individuals on the occasion of an event that we had hoped would never occur. As a father and a single parent who raised two wonderful sons, I was keenly aware that there was an embarrassing sea of mindless television shows available to my kids when they were growing up. Some of it was good for them, some of it wasn't. And with the exception of an occasional public radio program, or a show parked at the end of a commercial station's programming day, there was nothing good or bad on radio for kids.

"It was my dream to one day create a radio network that offered positive, educational radio programming for kids, all wrapped up in an entertaining package. And in May of 1990, I purchased a radio station in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and began the long and difficult task of transforming the dream, for me, into a reality, for you. There were times of tremendous frustration and dversity. We were able to make believers of all the naysayers who at first said that kids would just watch television and play video games but would never listen to the radio. When I first heard that comment, I said to myself and I said it often, 'Of course they wouldn't listen to the radio; there's nothing to listen to.' So beginning on May 12, nearly eight years ago, we hung out our first welcome sign for kids on the radio dial.

"While it would be easy for us to take the credit for creating and presenting some very compelling programming, which in fact we did, the real credit goes to each of you because you made the biggest contribution of all. You turned on your radios. I would be remiss if I did not take this time to pay tribute to all of our employees who worked both in front of the microphone and behind the scenes. Their belief in our product and their dedication and passion were really the key components in the engine that drove Aahs World Radio. Every company should be so fortunate to have such a group like this one.

"For reasons beyond our control, tonight we have arrived at the end of our journey with you. It is a sad and painful experience for me to say this final goodbye. While our goal will never be reached, we have concluded from your heartwarming calls and letters that our mission was achieved. The Childrens Broadcasting Corporation is a business like many others; but it was much more then that. There aren't many people who are able to go home each night knowing that they did something good. Something good for kids and something good for parents and something good for society. We were privileged to go home with that feeling every single night. Our commitment to leaving this world a better place then when we arrived is something for which we will always be proud.

"And as Childrens Broadcasting Corporation forges ahead, we hope you will always remember us. We will certainly never forget you. And on behalf of everyone at Aahs World Radio, I thank you for being a part of radio history. And history it will be in just a short time. My best wishes to all of you for a prosperous future. And may God bless each and every one of you."

Silence is the only thing Aahs feared, and if possible, I would like to revive that dream at Christopher T. Dahl had those many years ago. With your help and a few listeners, we can bring Aahs back. For now, only a couple of hours a day, over the internet on Radio Destiny Hopefully, if I get enough money and employees, we will be able to go 24/7 over the internet, all I need is a place to set-up, and a place that has enough room for a little studio. But, for now, please visit Radio Destiny and we can start by just having a few listeners, and broadcasting just a few hours a day. But let's hope, in the future, we can bring MANY more people to understand what Aahs World Radio is.

"I've been listening to Aahs World Radio for as long as I can remember. My life won't be the same after it's gone. But I know I've become a better person because we've spent so much time together. No matter what time of day it was, whenever I turn my radio on, I always knew there would be someone there who really cared about me."

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